Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hi,my name is Triston Wilson. My birthday is July 16. I am now a sophomore at my school.I like to play a lot of different sports and try new things.I'm on the track team and I run cross country. I like to write, only because i'm not a big fan of reading.I like listening to music,watching TV, and like everyone else eating.My favorite genre for TV shows would probably be mystery and i listen to almost any type of music but my favorite is Hip-hop. I'm good at dancing,but not the best. I'm kind of a shy person when i first meet someone,but after a while i start to become less shy.One subject that i'm good at in school is math.I like to hangout with my friends.I actually like going to school,but i hate waking up for school,i think its because we have to wake up to early and we get out late.One of the reasons i like to go to school is because of the people that i meet and sometimes i learn really cool stuff. Well guess that's all for right now,until next time.