Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Speaking on Courage

"Speaking of courage".. The chapter speaking of courage spoke of courage by telling a story about Norman Bowker and him trying to save Kiowa from sinking in the muck. It tells how all the other soldiers imagined themselves saving Kiowa but were frozen in fear to help him. How all the other soldiers felt that they were responsible for Kiowa's death. I think some other moments in the book that explain coward vs. cowardice was in the beginning of the book when Tim O'brien was explaining how all the soldiers were in fear,but were even more scared to show that they feared the war. I picked this because it explains how the soldiers were cowardice butt trying not to be cowards and fight through the war.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Memoir blog

The memoir i liked the most was named "A Day to Remember" by Ivory B. I thought that this memoir was great.I could could connect to it in a way because i could remember going too six flags great american when i was 12 years old and almost doing the same exact things the author did when i was around that age. I felt that this memoir developed the character well and it contain both the outside and inside story. You could imagine what the author was talking about from them using detailed words and making their story more detailed. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Vietnam War

Based on my research, America fought in Vietnam to hold the line against the spread of world communism. America  paid for the war the french fought against communist as a part of the Truman Doctrine.By the 1950s american involved when the war flared up again. Americans later on developed the domino theory as a justification for the involvement. The Domino theory was a reason for war during the 1950s to 1980s ,promoted at times by the government of the United States.It was the thought of if one state in a region came under the influence of communism,then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect.The movement against the involvement of the united states in the Vietnam war began in the U.S. with demonstrations in 1964 in grew in strength later years.The U.S became separated between the people who wanted the involvement continued in the Vietnam war and the people who only wanted peace.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

The American Dream

The Article i found was "Obama's November 7,2007, Speech on the 'American Dream'". It states that "in big cities and small towns;among men and women;young and old;black,white, and brown- americans share a faith in simple dreams. A job with wages that can support a family.Health care that we can count on and afford. A retirement that dignified and secure. Education and opportunity for our kids.common hopes.American dreams."In the Great Gatsby, Gatsby's american dream was  wealth,to have a huge house,cars and etc. I guess that Gatsby's american dream can relate to the article because of the wealth and the housing. So i think that even in books the american dream is similar for everyone.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Childish Gambino- Freaks and Geeks Music Review

The Song Freaks and Geeks by Childish Gambino in my opinion is a good song.What I like most about it is the beats or  the instrumental. That's what make the song sounds the best. Though his lyrics aren't that bad either,its just that what he says can not relate to a lot of people. I guess that is why its probably not a good song to the needle drop. But he has more songs that people can relate to.

This song doesn't really have any meaning but the instrumental is what makes you nod your head and listen to the song. If i rated this video it would be 4 out of 5 stars.

Check it out:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Direction the Class needs

In class I think we should have more group activities,i agree with everyone else,I say this because the group activities are fun and they are quicker to do. I also think that we should have more options on extra credit.That would help a lot. I think that we should have more read alouds so that everyone can get a chance a reading. Even though i don't like to raise my hand when the person is being called to read,you can still call on me. I think that would help me read better,and louder.Other than that i like how the class is going. Its a good class and we have great class discussions.
Also i think we should have more Journal questions,they are kind of fun to do. Even though sometimes i don't know how to answer them,but i still think they are fun.It helps me think harder and concentrate on the problem or question.Well that is all I have to say. Until next time!!


In the Catcher in the rye, by  J.D. Salinger, the main character is Holden Caulfield. He's 16 years old and a junior at this school named Pencey academy.In the story he gets expelled from the school because of his bad grades.He's a pretty smart guy but just doesn't do the work he's asked to do. He hunts for phonies in the book and he tries to protect the innocent people.
 In my opinion,i think Holden is a good person,or he could be a better person because of just they fact that he tries to protect innocent people.I think that he could stop a couple of his habits,like smoking or getting drunk and all.But other than that he would kind of be like a normal person. Holden probably had a rough childhood with his younger brother,Allie,dying.That probably led him to his habits.
 I think as we continue reading we will get to know Holden a little better,and see what he does.I think he will probably change.But ill guess we'll find out soon.